Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy77 talks music décor

The highly anticipated Music Jam starts this Friday. Above is the Lighthouse from Billybob's Monday post. Below is an interview between Happy and a penguin on the team that works on these decorations.
Q: I know there are a lot of different music stages for this party. Which one was the most fun to work on?A: All the stages were great to work on, but if I had to pick a favorite I'd say the big stage at the dock. It changes themes throughout the party.
Q: How did you come up with all the different decorations?A: The focus was kept on two things, music stages and things that make noise. So there are different stages, but also some cool noise-making surprises!
Q: I heard rumors about a chocolate fountain in one of the backstage areas. Is that true?A: Wait! There's a chocolate fountain Backstage!?!? Golly, look at the time, I better. . . umm. . . get back to work. . . at the Backstage. . .


  1. Hey soup! Iwas on my email and I saw your comment. I would LOVE to make you a header!
    P.S. My Wordpress Isn't Working On Here

  2. Hello? Soup! Tell me what you want for ur header
