Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Going-Away Party
Friday, January 2, 2009
I couldn't get into Tooly228's party!
Luigi and Ponchieoo Awesome Website!
Happy77 talks to mission writer!
Q: Who is your fave mission character and why?
A: Herbert. Because he reminds me a lot of myself.
Q: What's the coolest thing about making up mission stories?
A: There's no such thing as an idea that's too crazy.
Q:Perhaps most importantly, what's your favorite kind of candy?
A: Anything with peanut butter in it.
Source: http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/
So Long!
Bye Tooly228! We'll miss you!
Hope you guys like it! Farewell for now!
New Club Penguin Clothing Catalog!
Click the red bucket to unveal the awesome Spikester!
If your a chick that wants a rockin' hairdo click the blue dot thing to get the Spikette!
Click the flower pot to get the colorful Fruit Headdress!Click the orange present hidden under the tree to find the Yellow Scarf that costs a mere 150 coins!
Click the top of the mountian to find the Russian Hat listed at 600 coins!
Click the top of the tree to purchase the Red Viking Helmet! Click it 4 times to get the SECRET Blue Viking Helmet!
Click the snowman's hat to get the Pink Pom Pom Toque!
See you guys later!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Club Penguin Riddles and Jokes!
Cphelper3's Site
Hope you have fun!
Newspaper #168
Here are the new Dance Fashions coming to the Gift Shop on January 2, 2009!
On January 9- Feburary 12, Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal are coming back to the stage! You'll not want to miss this exicting superhero classic!

On January 2- Febuary 5, there will be a brand new Penguin Style Catalog! Go Check it out in the latest Gift Shop styles!
If you been dying to update your igloo you better want to check out the new Igloo Catalog on Jan. 16- Feb. 19!
The new pin will be out on Jan 2-15!
Club Penguin is showing us the Special Items.